A friend told me, “When we were young, we would be dipped in sea water for our parents believed that the water could drown our sickness and worries”.

This perhaps is true. As little children, we often find ourselves basking in fun every time we are drenched in sea water. As an adult and in my own experience, every time I get into the sea or seashore I forget all my worries. It seems I slowly drift away into my own serenity, my place, my peace.

This is what Tondaligan Beach, Pangasinan has made me feel. An ounce of renewed energy to make choices. A way to take in the smell of sea water. To take deep breaths and sighs. To inhale and exhale. To find that moment. To think. To find the beauty all that nature offers. To find landscapes and seascapes. To see sunrises and sunsets.

Whatever happens, I would be thankful. Thankful for you. I do not wish to let you go but to hold on even when hope is vague. But I have to set it aside for the fears consume me and reality is different from what I imagined it to be. I have thought of this because I was drifted away into serenity. But now that the seashore is beyond my reach, I realize even the sunrises and sunsets are no more with me.

But I am glad that there were sunrises and sunsets. So please take me this time to that shoreline and seascape. A place for drifting away… And I will do nothing else… But drift away with you…








Yes, I willingly would be drifting away….